Rules & Regulations of the Lorien Trust (LT)
Rules & Regulations of the Lorien Trust (LT)
General Rules
- You agree to comply with and be bound by the Lorien Trust (LT) game rules. LT’s decision is final in all disputes concerning the game rules.
- The Live Action Role Playing (LARP) hobby involves the use of specially manufactured LARP weapons. All participants at LT events agree that LARP weapons may be used on them during participation.
- Anyone found using a LARP weapon in a dangerous manner will be warned of their actions and/or may be removed from the event at organiser’s discretion.
- Metal or other non-LARP weapons Must never be brought to LT events. The game world of Erdreja does not and will not allow gunpowder/fire arms and although there is goblin/dwarven engineering no items may resemble a replica firearm of any description i.e. gun, cannons, blunderbuss, flintlock etc. If you have any such item do not bring them to events. If you have one that has a lammie attached remove the lammie and bring that to the Game Control leaving the replica gun at home. No one is allowed to bring these items to the field including Traders, anyone found in the field with such items will be asked to return it to their vehicle and not bring them to future events or face the item being confiscated.
- Reasonable camping knives are permitted but can only be used in your camp and must be kept in your tent.
- The LT reserve the right to confiscate/ban, any weapon or any item of equipment it deems to be unsuitable or inappropriate. Any confiscated item Must be collected from the Main Security Point, prior to you leaving the event. Any uncollected items will be kept for a maximum of one year after the event and may then be disposed of.
- The LT will inform the authorities if anyone is discovered breaking the law.
- The LT will charge you for the repair or replacement value of any LT or event location property that you have lost, damaged, vandalised or destroyed.
- No child under 16 will be permitted to take part in any large battles.
- Our gate issued security wristband must be attached to your wrist upon entry and then worn at all times during that event.
- No pyrotechnics, fireworks or theatrical smoke producing devices will be allowed to be brought into any LT event by customers.
- No trading will be permitted without a valid Lorien Trust trading licence.
- Any player caught cheating will be warned. If they persist, they will be penalised and may be removed from the event. This includes failing to adhere to the “spirit of the game”.
- The Lorien Trust run family friendly events. You are required to maintain a reasonable standard of decency, both physically and verbally.
- Lorien Trust LARP events are there for everyone to enjoy equally and safely without fear of harm, discrimination or harassment. Intentionally disruptive or harmful behaviour may result in expulsion from the event. If the situation requires, the authorities may be informed.
Site Rules Of Lorien Trust
- Vehicles without official site access are restricted to the players’ car parks only. Any vehicle obstructing access in these areas or found outside of the permitted areas may be removed. You may only use the camping drop off points for a maximum of 30 minutes. Ask gate crew.
- Do not leave valuables visible in your vehicle. All vehicles are parked at the owner’s risk.
- Caravans and motor homes may be brought to the events, however owners must get prior permission from the Lorien Trust and may have certain restrictions on where they can park.
- No animals are permitted at events, except for Guide Dogs and Support Dog, You must notify the Lorien Trust prior to arrival
- No combat may take place in OOC areas (Toilets, Event Support, Game Control, Monster Room and Car Parks). No mass combat may take place in these In Character areas; Trade stands, Guild tent, Bar, Caterers and any area displaying a sign stating this rule.
- The backs of the Trade stands and traders’ car park are Out of Bounds to players unless accompanied by a trader or a Lorien Trust crew member.
- Be Aware. At LT events, special effects are regularly used which include loud sounds, strobe and UV lighting and smoke machines. These can be hazardous to you if you suffer from a medical condition that may be affected by these effects.
- No naked flames may be used under canvas or inside tents unless the equipment used is specifically designed/ manufactured for this purpose; these must be used in compliance with manufacturers guidelines and be a safe distance away from flammable surfaces or tent canvas. You must have safety equipment readily available. If unsure your Faction Command or Event Support can give advice.
- Weather permitting, raised braziers, firepits and barbecue equipment can be brought to the events but must not damage or burn the ground. Fires Must Never be left unattended and Must have a large container of water nearby.
- Locko Hall, the surrounding buildings and ornate gardens are strictly Out of Bounds. Do not enter any of these areas under any circumstances.
- The lake is strictly Out of Bounds. This area is very dangerous. Stay out!
- Any fields containing livestock or growing crops are Out of Bounds unless you are crossing them whilst accompanied by a Lorien Trust crew member.
- The LT crew area is Out of Bounds to players unless accompanied by an LT crew member
- Other areas marked ‘No Entry’ or ‘Out of Bounds’ Must not be entered by any person. If for any reason you need to retrieve something from these areas, you must first find a member of Lorien Trust crew.
- Do not damage the plant life, climb or damage trees or camp under trees. No posters or flyers may be attached to any tree, fences or structure on Locko Park.
- When driving through the site you must obey the 5 M.P.H. speed limit. Obey all road signs and instructions from Lorien Trust crew. Only use the marked site entrances and exits that are allocated for your use.
- You Must clear up, bag and tie your rubbish and deposit in one of the skips provided before you leave the site. Keep the site, especially the camping and main field areas, tidy during the event.
- Only use the Toilet Facilities provided.